Uh-Oh! Salamander in the Pool (What Now?)

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Getting up for a dive in the pool can freshen up your day from the beginning. But what if you discover that you’re late to the pool party? You’re standing at the edge only to find a salamander in the pool. What’s up with that?

Salamanders may accidentally end up in your pool thinking that it’s a lake or a pond when they come out of their hibernation. 

But why would they do that? And what should you do if you find a salamander in your pool? Knowing the answer to that begins by understanding the nature of the salamander.

What’s a Salamander?

Salamanders are nocturnal animals that belong to the family of amphibians. Being a nocturnal animal, salamanders are more active during nighttime, when they seek food.

Being an amphibian is where most people get confused. For example, many believe salamanders are lizards, which isn’t true. 

Amphibians and lizards may look close, but their living habitats differ. Lizards or reptiles generally live on land, while amphibians can adapt to both land and aquatic environments. 

In other words, a salamander is more related to a frog than it’s related to a lizard. That’s why it’s common to find them in water.

Why Would a Salamander Jump in Your Pool?

A salamander would jump in your pool when it seeks love. That’s right; salamanders seek water when looking for a mate. But how did the salamander choose your pool?

In most cases, it’s an accident. But, to understand that, you need to know the story from the beginning.

The Salamander’s Habitat

We mentioned earlier that salamanders are nocturnal, which means light isn’t one of their favorite things. That’s why they often hide in damp areas around rocks or logs. 

In winter, they go into some sort of hibernation in their hiding spots until the early spring comes; that’s when they start coming out of their hiding.

Rain is the most common wake-up call for salamanders. It gets them out of their hibernation, after which they start looking for food, shelter, and a mate.

Generally, salamanders eat slow moving creatures such as worms and slugs.  Keeping the pool area clear of their food source can help prevent salamanders from being attracted to the area.

Mating of Salamanders

Salamanders prefer to have their mating process in bodies of water. Examples of these are lakes and ponds.

However, in an unexpected turn of events, your salamander might mistake your pool for a pond and jump in.

The males often jump in the water first, hoping for a female to join them for the mating to start. Once the mating is complete, the female lays its eggs in the water and then goes back to land.

Since it’s unlikely for two salamanders to lose their way into your pool, the lone salamander will wait a while for a mate and then decide it’s time to leave.

Unfortunately, that’s when it may find out that there’s no way out of your pool.

What Do You Do With a Salamander in Your Pool?

By now, you should understand that salamanders don’t mean to be your pool-party crashers. They’re just lost and unable to get out.

Your ideal course of action would be to remove the salamander from the pool and place it somewhere safe.

While many salamanders can swim, there is a risk that they could get pulled into the skimmer and drown.  However, some aquatic salamanders can actually breathe underwater.

Regardless, the lack of food and the chemicals in the pool could mean a slow death sentence if left without help. Nobody wants that on their conscience.

So, here’s what you can do:

1 – Scoop Out the Salamander

Your first step would be to get the salamander out of the water. A simple pool net can get the job done without problems.

The faster you do so, the more likely it will survive the accidental dive. Once you do so, find a safe-looking moist, green area and release the salamander.

Note that salamanders aren’t pests and aren’t dangerous, so don’t kill them.

2 – Place Some Temporary Obstacles

Sometimes you might end up with a persistent salamander that just insists on having its diving lesson in your pool.

If the salamander wanders back to your pool, simply surround your pool with some obstacles to hinder its approach. A perimeter of 2×4 boards placed long-side up is typically enough to form a temporary fence that will keep salamanders out of the pool.

Alternative, you may even cover the pool for a couple of days if you’re not using it.

3 – Help the Salamander Get Out

If you’re constantly finding salamanders in your pool, you might want to invest in some floating ramps that are designed to help critters escape on their own.

These little devices sit by the edge of your pool. They act as a step to help all sorts of small animals to get out of your pool without your intervention.

Final Takeaway

So, a salamander in the pool? Simply scoop out that little amphibian and place it somewhere safe. These creatures are peaceful, and there’s no need to harm them if they jump into your pool.

If they repeatedly wander back to your pool, you might want to put up a temporary perimeter or place an escape ramp to help them get out on their own.

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