5 Effective Ways to Keep Mosquitoes Out of Your Kiddie Pool

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A pool is always the best place to be during the summer, especially for kids. However, mosquitoes love cooling off in your kiddie pool as well.

That’s just a disaster waiting to happen. From debris piling up to suffering from mosquito-related diseases, this is one problem you have to nip in the bud, and fast!

You might be curious about how to keep mosquitoes out of the kiddie pool. There are several ways to do that, like using a pool cover or spraying adulticides.

Though, it’s better to just go straight to the source of the problem and kill off the larvae before they’ve had a chance to hatch.

In this article, we’ll go through ways to keep these pests out of your pool for a fun-filled, mosquito-free summer!

Let’s dive in.

What to Put in a Kiddie Pool to Keep Mosquitoes Away

If you live in an area with a lot of mosquitoes, controlling them can be difficult. Fortunately, there are several solutions to help limit their presence and keep them away from the kiddie pool.

1 – Empty the Pool

Mosquitoes prefer stagnant water, like an unused kiddie pool. So, make sure to empty the pool after every use.

After that, clean any debris and rinse the pool off with fresh water. This will help prevent germs from spreading and mosquitoes from laying eggs.

2 – Place a Pool Cover

Covering the pool is an easy way to ward off mosquitoes. It’ll keep the water out of their line of sight, which means no more larvae infestation in the pool.

In addition, the cover will block out the sunlight, which reduces algae growth from popping in your pool.

The cover will also keep the water clean and save time because you won’t have to empty and refill your pool water every time.

3 – Spray Adulticides

Adulticides are insecticides that eliminate adult mosquitos. They come in a variety of types, but sprays are the most popular and widely used.

Spray the adulticide all around the pool area. This procedure is quick and efficient because it can kill mosquitos on a large scale.

However, if applied in large amounts, it can produce dangerous toxins. So, when spraying, keep children and pets at a safe distance.

Follow the product’s instructions carefully. Excessive amounts of adulticides may cause side effects such as eye irritation.

Allow about an hour or two for the spray to dry. It would then be safe for children to return to the area.

You’ll need to reapply the adulticide again. Simply follow the product label directions for reapplication, as each product’s process is different.

We should mention that pollinators, such as bees, may be killed by the spray. So, make sure you apply the adulticide away from fruit, vegetable gardens, and floral plants.

4 – Set Mosquito Traps

Many mosquito and insect traps are easy to set up in your yard. They work by attracting the pesky insects, and then eliminating them.

As bait, most traps use carbon dioxide signals that seem like an animal is breathing. Other traps use LED lights to lure the bugs to the trap.

Bear in mind that the location of a mosquito trap has a huge impact on its effectiveness. So, the best place would be to hang them on trees near the kiddie pool in your yard.

5 – Plant Mosquito Repellent Plants

Grow mosquito-repellent plants if you wish to go a more natural route. For example, some garden plants have intense odors that obscure the bugs’ smell receptors, making it difficult to find food and shelter.

Still, it’s recommended that you don’t just rely only on plants to ward off mosquitoes. For optimal effectiveness, combine the plant’s method with some of the other approaches suggested.

Here are some of the plants you can grow around the pool:

  • Lemongrass
  • Basil
  • Lavender
  • Rosemary
  • Citronella grass

How to Stop Mosquitoes From Breeding in the Kiddie Pool

Unfortunately, mosquito eggs aren’t visible to the naked eye. As a result, you must constantly work on pool upkeep and maintenance to guarantee no eggs are lurking in the water.

Here’s how to keep mosquitoes from breeding in your pool.

1 – Apply Larvicides

While adulticides kill adult mosquitos, larvicides destroy mosquito eggs and larvae. They come in a wide variety, including liquids and tablets.

You can apply liquid larvicide directly to the water using a backpack sprayer.

Tablet larvicides are also applied similarly, but they only come in tablet form, where you just place the tablets in the infested area and wait for them to kill off the larvae.

It’s important to review the larvicide instruction and safety precautions to ensure it’s suitable for your intended use, especially if it’ll be in close proximity to children.

2 – Remove Algae

Mosquito larvae eat algae and other organic debris –such as leaves– from their environment. Therefore, larvae numbers will drastically decrease if you completely remove any organic material from the water.

Follow these steps to get rid of algae in the pool:

1) First, scrub any algae-covered pool surfaces with a pool brush.
2) Next, apply a green algaecide according to the package guidelines.
3) Leave the water to drain, then brush the pool surfaces again.
4) Finally, clean any residual dead algae with a vacuum.

3 – Add Chlorine

Chlorine helps maintain pool cleanliness by inhibiting algae growth and reducing bacteria and germs. Not only that, but it helps eliminate mosquito larvae as well.

To effectively get rid of larvae, add one ounce of chlorine for every 1000 gallons of water. This will raise the pool’s concentration of chlorine to 7 ppm, killing off any mosquito eggs.

It’s worth mentioning that experts recommend waiting a day or so before swimming in the pool after adding chlorine to pool water. It’s recommended that you use a test kit to ensure the chlorine is under 6 ppm before swimming.

4 – Water Flow

Mosquitoes can’t handle flowing water, so they won’t lay their eggs in water that’s constantly circulating. One way to keep water flowing in your kiddie pool is to add a pump.

Make sure the pump is running for at least 2 – 3 hours during the day to maintain efficient water flow.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions that will make it easier to get rid of mosquitoes.

Can Children Swim With Mosquito Larvae in the Pool?

The good news is that swimming with eggs poses no health risk to your children.

Even if they happen to swallow a bit of the water, their stomach acids will effectively destroy them before they’ve had a chance to do any real harm.

What Pool Cover Should I Use?

A solid or mesh pool cover is ideal. Big debris is filtered away by the mesh coverings. The problem with these covers is that small particles can still enter through the openings.

On the other hand, a solid cover keeps out a larger portion of the dust and debris. Plus, it blocks the sun out and reduces the risk of algae formation.

Can I Get Rid of the Mosquitos Using Everyday Household Items?

Regular bleach or apple cider vinegar are two great ways to get rid of mosquitos. Typical household products can also provide easy ways to keep the kiddie pool clean naturally.

Pour the bleach or vinegar into stagnant water using a suitable ratio. It’ll take them about 18 hours to effectively kill the larvae. However, you’ll need to be extra cautious after applying them.

These products have an acidic effect on the pool water, which means your kids will need to wait for a day or two before they can jump back in.

Can Fans Help Get Rid of Mosquitos?

Wind is an effective deterrent against mosquitoes. It dilutes and disperses the carbon dioxide you exhale, which is how mosquitoes are attracted to you in the first place.

So, if you want a natural way to deter these pests, set up a couple of fans around your backyard.

Final Takeaway

With summer approaching, you should know how to keep mosquitoes out of the kiddie pool.

There are several effective ways to do this, like using adulticides, traps, and larvicides to help get to the root of the problem.

You can also go for a more natural approach by planting mosquito-repelling plants to help ward off these flying pests.

Whichever method you choose, you and your family will relax, knowing how to keep your pool safe and your kids happy.

Happy (mosquito-free) Swimming!

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